Be a Good AncestorWelcome to my digital haven. I’m Teevee Aguirre.
Artist, writer, dancer, podcaster, father.

A lifelong learner with an ever-curious heart, my journey of discovery ignited with books and the wonders of the public library. Then, the advent of the internet expanded my horizons, offering a world of knowledge and stories from every corner of the globe.

I’ve come to realize that there’s an expansive world beyond, brimming with tales to tell and skills to master. Sometimes, it meant shedding beliefs and narratives that no longer resonated.

And now, here you are, diving into my digital narrative. This blog encapsulates my journey — the ongoing re-education of Teevee as I tread the path of evolution to becoming a better human, father, partner, and, with hope, a cherished ancestor.

On this site you will find my creations in all their various forms. Living a long life has given me the privilege to experiment and grow in so many ways. Make sure to sign up for the Better Ancestor Newsletter to say up-to-date on all things Teevee.


Latest stories

New Name, Same Mission: Creating Legacy!

You know how we think the worry stops once our kids grow up? Spoiler alert: it doesn't.

In this episode, I dive into my own experiences as a dad to adult daughters and even a grandpa. From tracking my kid's car during a storm to learning when to step back, I'm sharing it all.

Facing The Fire With My Younger Self

"Generational trauma is like a fire in the woods, taking down everything in its path until one person in one generation has the courage to turn and face the flames.

Why People Love Me for saying ‘No’—And Sometimes Hate Me for It Too

In this episode of The Teevee Show Podcast, I’m diving into a topic we often avoid: the art of saying "no."

Many of us struggle with the discomfort of rejecting requests, whether it's from friends, family, or colleagues. I’ll share insights on why setting boundaries is so important and how it can actually be liberating.

Healing My Inner Child has been a Wild Ride

This little dude inside of me—the one who’s been secretly running the show—he’s pretty magnificent. Despite the chaos, the obstacles, and the challenges life threw at him, he survived.


Sibling relationships can be as tricky as they come.
Growing up, my brother and I were like mismatched socks—never quite fitting together. With a ten-year age gap and having grown up in different countries, our bond felt more like a long-distance call than an in-person chat.